对于撒播法,我们会把拌好的种子均匀撒布在地面上,再覆盖薄层泥土,然后覆盖山草,每亩使用2至2.5公斤Party saplings; 对于条状法,我们会打开一个浅沟,将拌好的Party saplings seed mixture evenly broadcast into the trench, cover with a thin layer of soil and then cover with grass clippings or other organic matter, using 1.5 to 2 kilograms per acre; for ridging method, we will open a shallow ditch along the ridge and plant Party sapling seeds in it, covering them lightly with soil.
After one year of cultivation in nurseries, we can transplant the Party saplings to fields for further growth. The best time for transplantation is before leaf emergence in spring (late March to early April) or after harvest in autumn (mid-to-late October), when the soil is still warm and moist.
For nearby transplants, we simply dig up the plants and replant them immediately; for long-distance transportation, however, we must take extra care by packing them carefully into wooden or paper boxes with their roots facing upwards to prevent damage during transport.
Once planted out again, it's important to keep the area well-watered until new shoots appear - typically within three to five days after planting - at which point any mulch or covering material can be removed.
In addition to cultivating Party saplings on their own plots of land, farmers also practice intercropping techniques such as growing alongside crops like corn or wheat (as "粮药间作" / Liang Yao Jian Chu), where they scatter Party sapling seeds around these plants' bases once they reach about 30 centimeters tall while providing shade through their leaves; alternatively some farmers may choose "药药间作" / Yao Yao Jian Chu whereby they plant young Party saplings near established medicinal herbs such as yellow gentian (Huang Lian), Chinese honeysuckle (Bai Mao Gen), and Szechuan lovage root (Xiang Fu) etc., allowing these herbs' foliage provide shade over time by training vines from mature plants onto trellises built around younger ones.
Lastly but not leastly noteworthy: stacking Party Sapling plantings vertically ("堆栈") behind houses and homes proved surprisingly productive too!