材料:20朵新鲜 栀子 花瓣,50克西兰花片,2个鸡蛋丝盐糖鸡精胡椒粉葱蒜适量
① 将洗净后的 栀 子 花瓣浸泡在沸水中焯一下,然后捞出沥干水分。
② 把蛋磕入碗中搅拌均匀后煎至熟透切成丝状备用。
③ 西兰花洗净切丝后放入开水锅中焯烫过捞出冲冷备用。
④ 将所有材料放入一个大碗中,加上葱蒜末,用调羹油淋盖面即可。
栀子 花蛋汤
材料:6朵新鲜 栀 子 花瓣,1个鸡蛋, 油盐葱姜各适量
① 将鸡蛋打散并加入少许盐调味,再将去杂质且漂白后的 栀 子 花浸泡在淡盐水里约20分钟,以去除苦涩味道并提高营养价值,然后轻轻摇干剩余水份以保持嫩滑口感。
② 在锅中加足够多清水煮开后,将其中撒入几片姜片以提取香气,然后倒下打好的鸡蛋液迅速搅拌均匆,使得汤底变得晶莹剔透无粘滓现象发生,同时避免形成浮油膜或沉渣现象,最终呈现明亮如同初次烧开状态般洁白光泽;待汤底完全凝固并出现微微膨胖迹象时,即完成了这一步骤;
③ 加入准备好的新鲜.Stacked flowers into the pot and cook for a few minutes until they are cooked through but still retain their color and texture.
新鲜Stacked flowers soup with pork and preserved mustard greens
材料:150g fresh Stackeds flowers,100g pork slices,30g pickled mustard green strips,Ginger slices,Cilantro leaves etc.
First wash the fresh Stackeds flowers in cold water to remove any impurities or dirt; then submerge them in boiling water for about one minute to soften them slightly before draining off excess water.
Cut the pork slices into small pieces of approximately equal size so that they can cook evenly when placed together in the same pot later on during cooking process without overcooking some parts while undercooking others by uneven distribution of heat within this particular container due to different thickness levels among various ingredients involved here which might cause varying degrees of doneness resulting from unequal exposure times at high temperatures (heating up too fast).
In a large wok or deep pan add enough clean drinking water along with minced ginger root pieces to cover all contents completely; stir well after adding these two elements as required accordingly ensure proper mixing takes place between liquid base & solid components present inside vessel at once ensuring even heating throughout entire preparation time period since we want our final product taste deliciously balanced not just visually appealing but also nutritionally rich enough!