


为了提升村集体经济的地位,去年十月份,杨彭村成功引进了先进的花菇种植技术,并利用那些曾被荒废多年的土地。通过精心规划和组织,这些闲置土地得到了充分利用,而 villagers were encouraged to invest and join the cooperative. Under the leadership of village official Yang Qiurong, more than 20 households in the village have now become members of the cooperative. The collective income of the village has been significantly boosted, and employment opportunities for villagers have been created.

As of now, the cooperative has successfully cultivated over 170,000 pieces of mushroom spawn. Plans are underway to utilize an additional 10 acres of idle land by expanding their cultivation facilities in mid-year, further driving economic growth for local residents and paving a broader path towards prosperity.