现在,这个曾经贫瘠的小村庄已成为远近闻名的黑木耳生产基地。 villagers are working hard to improve the quality of their products and expand the industry chain, striving to make every family prosperous. The village is expected to become a model for poverty alleviation through agricultural development, showcasing a bright future for all.
The "访惠聚" team from the local government has been instrumental in this transformation, providing financial support and guidance to ensure the success of the project. Their efforts have not only lifted many families out of poverty but also created a thriving economy in the region.
As one member of the team,尚志梅, noted: "We want to take our wood ear production to new heights and make it a symbol of prosperity for our village." With continued support and dedication from both sides, there is no doubt that this ambitious goal will be achieved.