


吃栀子花还有哪些好处呢?1. 它能够泻火除烦,对于那些心神不宁的患者来说非常适合。此外,它还能治疗外感热病、邪郁上焦引起的心胸烦闷以及失眠问题。2. 栀子花具有清热凉血的功效,可以用于治疗疮疡肿毒、肠风下痢和血热妄行等症状。3. 它还有化痰止咳的效果,因为它能够抑制细菌生长,从而稀释痰液,帮助通畅气道,对于患有热痰壅肺引起的咳嗽者非常有效。4. 栀子花含有纤维素,有助于通便防止癌症,其宽肠通便作用促进了大肠蠕动,有助于排便,并预防了痔疮和直肠癌瘤。

那么,我们如何做才能让栀子花更加美味呢?1. 凉拌栀子花 【材料】:20朵新鲜的栀子花,50克西兰花,2个鸡蛋,一些盐、糖、鸡精、胡椒粉,以及葱和蒜各适量【做法】:①将-stack-blossoms-wash-clean-with-clear-water, then soak them in boiling water for a few seconds and drain off the water②; Cut the egg into thin strips③; Blanch the broccoli in boiling water, then rinse with cold water to stop cooking④; In a large bowl, combine the blanched broccoli, stack blossoms, chopped green onions and minced garlic⑤; Pour 2 tablespoons of hot oil over everything and add salt, sugar, chicken powder and black pepper to taste.

Stack Blossom Egg Soup: [Materials] - 6 stack blossoms - 1 egg - oil - salt - green onions - ginger


Crack the egg into a bowl and beat it well.

Soak the stack blossoms in cold salty water for 20 minutes to remove bitterness.

Bring clear water to boil in a small pot with sliced ginger.

Pour in beaten eggs and cook until they set on top of each other.

Add boiled stack blossoms.

Season with salt and garnish with chopped green onions before serving.

3.Stack Blossom Fresh Soup: [Ingredients]

Stack blossom (150g), pork lean meat (100g), pickled mustard greens (30g)


① Wash clean the stack blossom flowers after removing any impurities by soaking them briefly in warm running tapwater or under cool running tapwater while gently swishing around your hands from time-to-time within about one minute at most;

② Cut up raw pork into smaller pieces called "slices" as opposed to cutting it finely;

③ Boil enough fresh clean drinking-quality pure spring mineral-rich filtered or unfiltered chlorine-free natural good-tasting plain old tapwater or bottled purified H₂O that has been sitting out at room temperature for at least an hour so that its surface is cooler than body temperature inside an electric kettle,

then pour this hot liquid directly onto all these food items placed together inside your kitchen's largest stainless steel heavy-duty saucepan without stirring first but instead carefully pouring down both sides of every ingredient avoiding making splashes if possible

and immediately covering lid tightly sealing pan completely while keeping burner turned ON medium heat setting low flame underneath pot base bottom area where steam can escape safely above normal atmospheric pressure level;

After ten minutes let stand covered simmering letting remaining moisture evaporate away slowly allowing flavors meld together more fully once done turn OFF stove range burner switch completely close lid tightly seal shut container finally serve immediately!