




对于池塘本身也有着严格要求,它们应该是长方形,有足够空间供fish swim around, with a flat bottom and ample water supply for easy drainage. The ideal size is between 1000 to 200 square meters, with a depth of 1.5 to 2 meters, and equipped with oxygenation equipment and pumps.

Before stocking the fish, it's essential to clean the pond using calcium hydroxide or bleaching powder. For every thousand square meters of pond surface, approximately130 to 220 kilograms of calcium hydroxide or 7 to 8 kilograms of bleaching powder should be used.

By following standard methods for filling the pond with water and fertilizing it, you can promote the growth of plankton in the pool. Additionally, by introducing various species like carp,bream,tiger barb etc., you can create an environment that supports both main breeding fish and California trout alike.

In summary, creating a thriving mixed aquaculture system requires careful planning and attention to detail. By understanding these conditions and implementing them effectively in your own ponds,you can successfully cultivate both main breeding fish and California trout together in harmony.