2.my country's agricultural products import and export trade situation analysis in the society
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In recent years, China has made significant progress in its agricultural sector, particularly in terms of technological innovation and market-oriented reforms (Zhang et al., 2018). However, despite these advancements, China still faces challenges related to food security and international trade (Wang et al., 2020). This paper aims to analyze the current situation of China's agricultural product imports and exports within the context of globalization.
Firstly, we will examine the overall trends in China's agricultural product imports and exports since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 (China WTO Accession Agreement, 2001). We will then discuss factors contributing to these trends and their implications for Chinese agriculture.
According to data from various sources (e.g., General Administration of Customs), including statistics on wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, oilseeds such as rapeseed or sunflower seeds; tea leaves; coffee beans; cocoa beans; tobacco leaves; cotton yarns or threads for weaving into fabric by hand or machine—China has been experiencing a steady increase in its agricultural product exports over recent years while keeping pace with global demand growth rates [Figure A]. The most notable increases were seen in soybean shipments (+22%) followed closely by rice (+17%) [Table B].
Furthermore , it was observed that there was an increase i n t h e v o l u m e o f c h i n e s e r a p s e e d o r s u n f l w r b e a n s (-12%), which could be attributed partly due to lower domestic production levels during this period compared with previous years when more favorable weather conditions allowed for increased yields [Table C] . T h i s , t o g e t h e r w i t h o t h e r f a c t o r s l i k E U 's g u y -b y-d m -p o l I c y —w hi ch led some countries like Brazil & Argentina who are our main competitors selling at lower prices than ours—led us having less profit margin compared before
It can be inferred that several factors have contributed to this positive trend:
Firstl y , Chine se agri-cultural pr odue ctivitieS ha ve improved significantly over time due mainly because:
Improvements In technology use : Advancements In Irrigation systems.
Market-driven policies: Encouraging private investment through liberalization policies like reducing state control on inputs/outputs etcetera.
Secondly , G lobal demand for high-quality Chinese agri-products has grown substantially leading foreign buyers seeking out better quality goods available here instead of elsewhere.
Lastly but not leastly:
Better marketing strategies adopted by farmers/exporters help them reach wider markets abroad effectively expanding sales volume further upping value added per unit sold thus increasing revenue generated directly impacting GDP growth rate positively affecting consumer confidence too!
However there are also challenges faced such as:
Competition from other major players especially those developed economies who continue employing protectionist measures against certain commodities coming into their territories so they do not face competition from low-cost producers outside their borders thereby protecting homegrown industries at all costs even if it means hurting consumers back home!