新品种快报 皱环球盖菇JSJ-HSR-101羊肚菌滇羊2号和 滇妹7号的选育报告
New cultivars Stropharia rugosoannulata ‘JSJ-HSR-101’, Morchella importuna ‘Dianyang No.2’ and Morchella sextelata ‘Dianmei No.7’
‘JSJ-HSR-101’was obtained from ultraviolet mutation of spores of Stropharia rugosoannulata wine-red strain, having golden yellow pileus, pure white stipe, few sporulation, and solitary fruiting body. The comprehensive yield was 8–12 kg/m2, and the proportion of commercial mushrooms was about 80%. It was suitable to cultivate under forest and in facilities. Morchella importuna ‘Dianyang No.2’ and Morchella sextelata ‘Dianmei No.7’ are both high-quality varieties obtained after years of systematic domestication of wild resources, having been verified upon small, medium and large-scale cultivation. ‘Dianyang No.2’ belonging to a branch of Elata Clade has a high density of 80‒100 mushrooms per square meter, and features small size, elastic meat quality, low drying loss rate, and unfragileness during transportation. ‘Dianmei No.7’ belonging to the Elata Clade is characterized by good commercial properties of fresh mushrooms and stable yield; the number of mature mushrooms per square meter is about 60.
李梦杰,罗祥英,曹瑶,沈真辉,雷,子灵山,李荣春,2024. 皱环球盖菇‘JSJ-HSR-101’、羊肚菌‘滇羊2号’和‘滇妹7号’的选育报告. 菌物学报,43(1): 230196
Li MJ, Luo XY, Cao Y, Shen ZH, Yang LL, Zi LS, Li RC, 2024. New cultivars Stropharia rugosoannulata ‘JSJ-HSR-101’, Morchella importuna ‘Dianyang No.2’ and Morchella sextelata ‘Dianmei No.7’. Mycosystema, 43(1): 230196
Fig. 1 Basidiomata of Stropharia rugosoannulata ‘JSJ-HSR-101’.
Fig. 2 Morchella importuna ‘Dianyang No.2’. A: Main features of ‘Dianyang No.2’. B: Fruiting situation of ‘Dianyang No.2’.
Fig. 3 Morchella sextelata ‘Dianmei No.7’. A: Main features of ‘Dianmei No.7’. B: Fruiting situation of ‘Dianmei No.7’.