


中共清远县委关于创建“寻梦蘑菇之乡、健康清远”的决定 发布时间:2019/7/11 14:32:09 发布者:食用菌供应商


为深入贯彻落实省第十三次党代会、市第三次党代会、县第十三次党代会精神,加快清远科学发展、赶超跨越。 现就创建“寻梦蘑菇村、健康清远”作出如下决定。


1、“寻找梦想蘑菇之乡,维护健康清远”是基于清远生态优势的现实选择。 生态环境是清远的第一优势,也是清远跨越式发展的核心引擎。 县党的十一大以来,全县围绕生态发展作出了建设生态文明、发展低碳经济的相关决策,开启了以生态建设引领清远科学发展、实现跨越式发展的征程。 “寻梦古乡,健康清远”坚持经济生态学、生态经济学,走生态、绿色、低碳发展道路。 这与历届县委对清远发展的科学把握高度契合,是进一步提升清远生态优势的重要一步。 强有力的措施。

2、“寻找梦想蘑菇村,维护健康清远”是推动清远经济转型发展的精髓。 清远作为全省重要的生态屏障,不仅肩负着保障生态安全的重任,也面临着依托生态转型的重要发展机遇。 “寻梦古乡,健康清远”把加强生态保护和修复作为转型发展的首要任务,把生态休闲养生产业作为转型发展的主攻方向,以富民强县为目标,包括经济、政治、社会、文化、城市等全方位生态建设的科学发展观,完全符合中央转变经济发展方式和建设重点生态功能区的战略思想。省委。 这是新时代清远发展的核心理念。

3、“寻找梦想蘑菇村,维护健康清远”是围绕清远未来发展的深度思考。 随着我国进入工业化发展后期,全民休闲时代即将到来。 “蘑菇地里寻梦,养生庆元”以“放慢生活,静心”的休闲养生理念,迎合现代人“久居笼中,返璞归真”的生活向往。自然”。 它是提升人居文化和人性内涵的前瞻性思考,符合人类未来发展趋势,是清远长远发展的战略部署。

“寻梦蘑菇之乡,健康清远”包含清远生态、香菇、廊桥等基本元素。 它以“Xundream”和“Healthy”标识展现原生态净土和令人梦想的宜居宜居自然。 宜商、宜游、宜养的居住环境,是清远最具差异化、最受认可的区域品牌。 创建“寻梦蘑菇之乡,养生清远”,符合实现“中国梦”、“美丽中国”的时代要求,符合清远省市发展定位,符合人民群众对美好生活的向往。 这是未来清远的关键。 袁经济社会发展的战略定位和总体目标。


深入贯彻落实科学发展观,围绕统筹城乡发展和全面建设小康社会两大战略目标,按照“科学发展、赶超发展”的总体要求,以“中国生态环境第一县”为核心竞争力,以“生态”为支撑,以“休闲”、“宜居”、“魅力”、“低碳”、“民生”七大分项指标为支撑”和“文明”,我们努力完善清远最具标志性的两个标志:“追梦”和“养生”。 该核心指标旨在将清远建设成为生态环境优美、城乡面貌优美、基础设施完善、历史文化繁荣、经济结构优化、人民富裕幸福的疗养胜地、旅游强县、美丽蘑菇之乡。生活。


——近期(2013-2016年):形成较为完善的“寻梦蘑菇之乡、养生清源”发展战略规划和政策体系,建设1至3个具有示范效应、生态休闲的优势景区和休闲养生基地养生经济进入势头强劲的发展阶段,“寻梦古香,养生清源”已初具影响力。 到2016年,实现县十三次党代会确定的“两个翻一番、两个跨越、三个重大提升”的发展目标。 全县人均GDP达到8000美元,旅游总人数达到250万人次,旅游总收入达到12亿元以上,旅游健康群体形成一定规模,城镇化水平达到超过52%。

——中期(2017-2020年):形成“寻梦古乡、健康养生、清远”主导产业集群,形成“一县两市”、“西进东出”的交通格局基本建成,“寻梦谷乡·健康清远”将基本建成。 “健康清远”品牌知名度和美誉度进一步提升。到2020年,GDP和财政总收入分别突破100亿元、10亿元,人均GDP达到11000美元以上,开始进入工业化中后期稳定发展阶段,游客总数达到700万人次,旅游总收入达到40亿元及以上,树立“寻找梦幻蘑菇小镇, “健康清远”,城镇化水平达到58%以上。

——远期(2021-2030年):形成更有实力、更有活力的综合生态休闲经济发展模式,“寻梦古香、健康清远”在华东地区乃至海内外具有知名度和影响力。 强势区域品牌和休闲养生胜地。 到2030年,全县进入收入较高、发展更加成熟阶段,以生态休闲健康经济为主的服务业增加值占比超过50%,成为经济发展的主要动力,城镇化水平达到70%以上。


5、牢固树立生态责任意识。 树立“生态环境是第一优势、保护生态环境是第一要务、保持生态环境质量领先是第一政绩”的理念,始终把生态环境保护作为一项重要的政治、社会任务和历史责任,强化环境建设“八项重点”,不断巩固和提升“中国生态环境第一县”优势。 坚持保护生态环境优先,树立“打击环境违法行为,严格执法是我们义不容辞的责任,执法不力就是不作为”的执法理念,强化污染物减排工作,收紧环境准入条件加大环境执法力度,加大对各类环境违法行为的打击力度。 实施全民化、社会化的生态意识教育,拓展“清远生态日”、绿色出行、低碳村示范建设、绿色企业创建等活动,切实提高全民生态环境意识。

六、生态环境继续保持全国领先地位。 深入开展“811”生态文明建设行动,持续深化国家生态县建设成果,积极努力创建国家生态文明建设示范区。 围绕打造华东地区绿色生态大屏障,加强造林和生态公益林体系建设,强化森林资源生态功能,森林覆盖率保持86%以上,建设大森林公园和全国最好的“森林浴场”。 加快林相改造,发展七彩森林,建设“彩色长廊”等森林景观带,形成“烟笼万绿、霜染秋叶万树、万尺万丈”的景观。绘画,还有一串红、黄、绿的诗。” 美丽的场景。 加强流域综合治理和水资源保护,以松源溪治理为重点,继续开展生态河流建设和小流域生态修复,实现全县每一条河流都可游泳。 以烟尘控制区建设为抓手,实施“空气净化行动”专项整治,实时发布PM2.5、负氧离子等空气质量指标,真正实现“这里的空气有点甜。” 健全生态安全管理机制,进一步完善生物丰度、植被覆盖度、水网密度、土地退化、主要江河交汇断面等关键生态环境指标动态监测网络,形成较为完善的防控体系,应对突发环境事件和重大生物灾害。 控制系统有效保障生态环境安全。

7.建设最具活力的生态功能示范区。 以省级重点生态功能区试点县建设为契机,把强化生态安全功能和生态产品生产能力作为区域功能的重要任务,做到“绿水青山就是金山银山”。银山”向更高层次迈进,使生态环境优势有效转化为竞争优势和经济优势。 根据资源禀赋、环境容量、生态条件等因素,按照总体规划、功能分区、中心聚集的思路,明确不同区域的功能定位,优化空间布局。 继续实施生态移民工程,有序推动人口向城镇、中心镇、中心村集聚,让山区农民搬出大山、边远山区。 坚持绿色、生态、低碳为引领,大力发展高技术含量、高附加值、高市场占有率、低消耗、低排放、低污染的生态产业体系。 积极发展增汇项目,探索完善森林碳汇交易体系建设,努力打造“低碳经济示范区”。


八、突出生态休闲养生旅游发展方向。 坚持把发展生态休闲健康旅游产业作为引领经济转型发展的战略任务,遵循“规划引领、基础先行、产业联动、市场运作”的发展路径,突出休闲度假、生态健康、景观旅游、乡村旅游和文化体验,实施要素围绕生态休闲养生旅游产业集中,项目围绕生态休闲养生旅游产业推出,政策围绕生态休闲养生旅游产业倾斜生态休闲养生旅游产业逐步实现主题鲜明、产业集聚、业态多元化。 推动生态休闲健康旅游产业成为清远国民经济的战略性支柱产业。 打造全省一流、长三角地区知名的生态休闲养生旅游度假基地,不断提升清远休闲养生指数。

九、加快生态休闲养生旅游产品开发。 将全县建设成为大风景区,让全县有风景、处处可赏。 围绕大景区、大容量、大流通建设,加快百山祖-西洋淀休闲养生集聚区、金子峰森林公园区块等生态休闲养生旅游和养生(养老)基地发展。形成百山祖山祖低碳游、古巷朝圣游、廊桥梦幻游、竹林养生游、银矿洞探秘游、高山峡谷探险游、三朝文化体验游、红色革命教育游等生态休闲养生旅游“山水眼”。以田园风情、风情风光为主题,加大生态农家乐、农业休闲观光区、古村落休闲等特色乡村休闲养生旅游和养生(养老)项目开发养生基地、休闲养生(养老)别墅,针对不同市场和人群的需求,打造养生养老、高端享受、生态文化、民俗体验、探险旅游产品,让游客领略山水自然美景、田园田园风光、天人合一的和谐。 推动生态休闲养生旅游与一二三产业融合发展,开发各类工业观光、体验、科普、文化旅游线路,大力发展药膳、菌类膳食等健康产品。

10.培育生态休闲养生旅游大品牌。 加强“寻梦古香、健康清远”品牌形象的策划包装,整合各类生态休闲养生旅游资源,重点通过文化交流、大型活动、旅游节庆、项目开发 旅游品牌推广。 突出生态卖点,依托清远“山、水、林”自然、自然、自然的环境优势,着力打造“养心山水,醉百山先祖”、“绿色野生”丝巾峰,享受生活第一地”“山”生态休闲养生旅游品牌,聚焦“来清远,深呼吸”、“善待自己,享受慢节奏”等生态休闲养生旅游口号。清远生活”、“森林竹海,尽情洗肺”。 凸显乡村魅力,依托田园、古道、民居、风土人情等农耕文化,用绿水、清风、竹海、氧吧等纯天然的恩赐,充分展现了“乡村”的魅力。吃在农家乐、玩在农家乐、享受农家乐”,具有“乡村明珠,梦回童年”、“放开心情,乡村休闲”等乡村休闲养生旅游口号的特色。这里独一无二”。 凸显文化魅力,深度挖掘梳理文化内涵,推出蘑菇文化、廊桥文化、生态文化、民俗文化等地域文化品牌,让游客感受蘑菇圣地的神奇魅力,聆听前往风雨廊桥的不朽传说。 加强区域合作,加大市场合力,促进品牌共享、宣传推广、客源共享。


11.坚持规划引领城市科学布局。 坚持高点定位、规划先行,围绕建设“中国最美生态健康县”,按照休闲健康城市功能布局,进一步优化县域总体规划,突出“品质”理念。产品、生态、休闲、健康”,力求在起点上实现共赢。 以新型城镇化为方向,以“一县两市”为基础,以“两化”联动发展为契机,重点谋划城区东扩、西扩,形成城镇化发展体系。 “一轴、两中心、三区”实现城市与公园、景区的有机联系。 县城中心城区以精致建设为基础,将城市建设工程雕刻成作品,依托天然山地资源,遵循“一溪两岸”城市布局,围绕“一带”框架建设“三山三纵四横”,注重山、水、林、桥、城、居、景的有机融合,营造出“城在山水、山水之中”的宜居之美。都在城市”。 平度新城以“城区新区、产业新城”为发展定位,研究南北区分工协作、错位发展,努力将平度综合新区建设成为高水平的宜居生态新区。产业集聚末端,功能配套齐全,环境生态友好。 城市综合体。

12、建设“中国最美生态健康县”。 注重体现和融合“生态、蘑菇、廊桥”元素,以生态健康为卖点,凸显“生态之冠、蘑菇之源、廊桥之家”的城市特色”。 结合特色文化主题,突出“一河两岸”景观带建设,融合蘑菇文化、廊桥文化等景观小品,打造特色文化与生态景观相结合的城市名片。 依托自然山地地貌和古路桥资源,规划建设环城旅游步道,着力打造步行城市。 高质量推进城市绿化、亮化、美化工程,建设历史文化街区、美食街、地方特色街区等特色街区,积极创建森林城市、花园城市、卫生城市、旅游城市、畅通城市。 有序推进老住宅区、老工厂、城中村改造,着力强化城市综合服务功能,努力把清远建设成为中转地、集散地、目的地和全县休闲养生的城市浙南闽北生态休闲养生旅游产业基地。

13、建设淳朴与现代相得益彰的美丽乡村。 按照城乡一体化发展要求,突出区域差异化发展,积极打造“中国铅笔第一镇”、“中国灰树花之乡”、“百山祖风情小镇”、“最具休闲垂钓基地”、围绕“五十年后仍见现在山村”的目标,按照“修缮典雅传统建筑、弘扬悠久历史”的要求,建设“浪漫月歇地”等特色集镇。 “传承传统文化,营造优美人居环境,创造悠闲生活方式”,我们精心保护古村落的建筑形态和自然风光。环境、传统风貌、民俗风情、原生态特色和历史气息,使其古老的魅力历久弥新,按照“现代内在品质、简约风格”的要求,以“低碳家园”为载体,以村庄整治为抓手,以整洁乡村为基础,以特色以优质产品为示范,突出“一村一品、一村一魅力”,精心培育一批辐射带动能力强的“美丽乡村”。


14、努力打造“香菇始祖朝圣地”。 加大对阳阳宫和吴三公故里的保护和开发力度,建设西阳宫民俗文化园、吴三公文化广场,以“蘑菇庙会”、“七夕桥行走节”等活动为载体,更具文化内涵和神秘色彩。 将西洋店街区打造成世界香菇始祖朝圣地。 大力弘扬“香菇原产地”历史文化,挖掘整理香菇、香菇戏、香菇功夫、香菇民歌等文化经典,加大香菇发源地文化的宣传力度香菇与原产地文化的传承与发展,促进香菇文化的传承与发展。 成功举办中国(清远)食用菌文化节,深化两岸食用菌文化交流活动,进一步打造“中国食用菌之城”品牌,提升食用菌文化国际影响力。 开展“清远香菇砍法及文化体系”申报“中国重要农业文化遗产”,进一步确立清远香菇文化在中国农耕文化中的历史地位。 加强“清远香菇”地理标志证明商标的保护和推广,巩固和提升“清远香菇”在世界食用菌行业的知名度。

15、挖掘和弘扬清远地域特色文化。 加强古廊桥、古村落、古民居等文物古迹的发掘和保护,在尊重历史风貌和景观格局的基础上合理开发利用,培育一批“最美古村落”。 继续办好香菇博物馆、廊桥博物馆,支持一批民间博物馆、美术馆发展。 实施廊桥建造技艺、香菇砍伐技艺、蘑菇民间戏曲、清远方言等民间文化遗产传承保护工程,加快县乡两级非物质文化遗产普查数据网络和民间艺人数据库建设,力争以“闽浙木拱桥”联合申报世界文化遗产为契机,尽快获得成功。 积极建设一批展示清远生态景观和浓郁地域文化的创意基地、非物质文化传承人工作室、文化产业园区。 组织举办中国廊桥国际学术研讨会、过年典范“月山春晚”、“农耕节”等系列活动,编写和丰富本土廊桥文化、蘑菇等教材文化等,充分展示方言文化、民间庙会、地方美食等地域文化魅力,促进民俗文化、大众文化的发展繁荣。 加强文化艺术人才培养,创作更多符合地域特色的文化作品。


16.提升生态优质农业。 围绕“两区一园”建设,推动生态精品农业产业升级、品牌升级、技术升级、市场升级、学科升级、文化升级,加快发展食用菌、竹笋、高山蔬菜、茶叶、油茶、中药材等。 优质产品等主导产业集中发展。 发展立体循环农业,总结推广农林牧业低碳种植方式,实现农业清洁生产。 依托生态环境优势和特殊高山气候,推动区域特色和精细化农业发展,打造最生态、安全的高山农业基地。 拉长农业产业链,大力发展休闲旅游农业、农林产品精深加工,促进农业产业“连续性”。 依托香菇市场、渤海交易所香菇交易平台等资源,大力培育香菇深加工、现代香菇贸易、香菇保健等产业,赋予中国香菇城新内涵。 创新农业经营模式,鼓励工商企业投资发展生态农业,积极探索农村土地流转新模式,大力支持农业专业合作社和家庭农场,加快构建“三位一体”的产业组织体系。专业生产、供销、信用。

17.加快产业低碳转型和集群发展。 突出“一区多园”格局,加快平度综合新区、诸口等乡镇功能区块发展,将工业园区升级为“生态园区”、“低碳园区”。 积极推进低效建设用地二次开发,实施“空笼换鸟”,促进土地节约集约利用。 巩固提升“中国竹制品产业基地”、“中国食用菌产业基地”和“中国铅笔生产基地”,实施百亿竹产业行动计划,加快食用菌、铅笔等传统优势产业转型升级和文化用品,全面提升行业品质。 大力培育和引进战略性新兴产业,重点发展生物技术、新能源产业。 实施创新驱动发展战略,鼓励和支持企业实施技术创新,开发新产品、引进新技术,延伸产业链,提升产品附加值。

18.现代服务业创新升级。 低碳化改造传统服务业,升级商贸服务业,优化交通服务网络,完善房地产市场体系,提升传统服务业。 Promote the leapfrog development of the modern service industry, focusing on the development of service industries such as processing of supplied materials, modern logistics, ecological leisure, e-commerce, technology and finance. Cultivate and support emerging service industries, focusing on breaking through the five emerging forms of modern service industries, including information services, technology services, intermediary services, community services and public services, to promote the development, proportion and structure of the service industry.

8. Implement infrastructure improvement projects and continuously improve the people’s livelihood index of “Xunmenggu Township, Healthy Qingyuan”

19. Build a large infrastructure network including transportation. Taking “north to south connection” as the starting point, we will increase planning and striving for major transportation infrastructure projects such as Qingshou Expressway, Qingjing High-grade Highway, and S229 and S329 Provincial Highways to National Highways, and accelerate the advancement of Longqing Expressway Connection Line and Quning Railway Project construction, building a comprehensive transportation network in southern Zhejiang and northern Fujian, and striving to build Qingyuan into an important node in the Yangtze River Delta and Haixi District. Strengthen the construction of green and ecological transportation, promote the renovation and upgrading of county and township highways, inter-county connecting lines, and rural network roads to form a smooth county road network structure. Accelerate urban transportation construction, improve urban transportation planning, increase the development and utilization of transportation space resources, build intelligent transportation systems, and form a safe, smooth, and orderly urban transportation management system. Efforts will be made to strengthen the construction of tourism transportation and form a “half-hour transportation circle” for tourism. Vigorously promote the development of transportation and logistics, with the goal of cultivating modern logistics, accelerate the construction of integrated urban and rural road networks and passenger transportation, and build a “seamless, connected, and integrated” comprehensive transportation system. Strengthen the upgrading and transformation of other infrastructure such as water networks, power grids, and information networks to comprehensively improve the ability of infrastructure to support people’s livelihood.

20. Build a happier people’s livelihood. Guided by the “Five Heart Project”, we will actively explore new concepts, new mechanisms and new methods for social service management innovation. Adhere to the priority development of education, optimize and integrate educational resources, make every effort to promote balanced and high-quality development of education, and basically build a modern education system with a scientific and reasonable layout, a moderately loose total, a dynamic system, superior environmental conditions, and harmonious development of connotations. Deepen the reform of the medical and health care system, improve the three-level health care and public health service system in counties and villages, accelerate the construction of health training and recuperation bases, effectively improve medical capabilities and service guarantee levels, and build a “marginal regional medical care service center in Zhejiang and Fujian”. Improve the public cultural service system and build public cultural and sports venues to meet the people’s growing spiritual and cultural needs. Coordinate and promote the construction of urban and rural social security systems, promote the formation of a “five-in-one” social security pattern that integrates social employment, social security, social welfare, social assistance, and social charity, and basically realize the transformation of social security from full coverage of the system to full coverage of the population. Further improve the level of social security. Vigorously carry out safety creation activities to ensure safety on one side and continuously improve the people’s sense of security.

9. Implement the citizen quality cultivation project and continuously improve the civilization index of “Looking for Dreams in the Mushroom Village, Maintaining Health and Qingyuan”

21. Use the core value system to lead moral trends. Vigorously advocate the Qingyuan spirit in the new era, so that the Qingyuan spirit of “not to be left behind, pioneering and innovative, courageous to take responsibility, and working together” can be transformed into the ideological consciousness of the county’s cadres and masses, and comprehensively publicize and practice the spirit of “integrity, kindness, pragmatism, and self-improvement” The values of contemporary Qingyuan people provide strong spiritual power and ideological guarantee for creating a “Dream-seeking Mushroom Village and Healthy Qingyuan”. Extensively carry out educational activities with the theme of “Civilized Gucheng People”, further deepen the selection activities of “The Most Beautiful Qingyuan People”, “Moral Models”, “Civilized Family”, “Good Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law”, “Good Neighbors”, etc., and explore and cultivate , Promote a group of advanced models with good moral character and the spirit of the times, lead the ideological and moral construction of citizens, and continuously improve the moral quality of citizens and the level of urban and rural civilization.

22. Build a “hometown of etiquette” and a “city of civilization”. Vigorously popularize civilized knowledge with “courtesy, etiquette, etiquette” as the main content, create a civilized atmosphere where “everyone is an image” and “everyone is a window”, and improve urban and rural humanistic qualities. Pay attention to the cultivation of civilization, carry out in-depth practical activities on the theme of co-construction of civilizations, and stimulate students’ sense of responsibility and mission in building Guxiang through the development and practice of school-based courses, making the school an important “window” to showcase the civilization of Guxiang, and enabling students to become civilized messenger. Comprehensively strengthen service civilization, standardize service standards in the service industry, strengthen quality training for employees, and strive to reach a conceptual consensus in the service industry that “image is our life”. Actively promote traffic civilization and form a safe and orderly traffic environment. Extensively publicize public welfare civilization, create a social atmosphere of mutual help and friendship, and establish harmony between people, people and society, and people and nature.

10. Comprehensively implement the safeguard measures to create a “Dream-seeking Mushroom Village, Healthy Qingyuan”

23. Strengthen organizational leadership. A leading group for the creation of “Looking for Dream Mushrooms, Maintaining Health and Qingyuan” headed by the Secretary of the County Party Committee and the County Magistrate was established to conduct regular research, deployment, and supervision of various tasks. A special coordination and promotion group for the “Seven Major Projects” was established, with the county leader in charge as the team leader and the principal persons in charge of relevant departments as members, responsible for the decomposition and implementation of the “Seven Indexes” tasks. Departments at all levels must establish corresponding organizational structures, formulate implementation details, coordinate the relevant work of local departments, and ensure that all staff, inputs, responsibilities, and measures are in place.

24. Strengthen project support. Study and formulate the development strategic plan and special plan of “Looking for Dreams of Mushrooms, Maintaining Health and Qingyuan”, clarify the goals, tasks and main measures at each stage, make overall arrangements, implement them year by year, and advance step by step. Accelerate the preliminary work of key projects, establish and improve the project reserve library, continue to deepen the project promotion mechanism, fully promote project construction, and form a rolling mechanism of starting a batch of projects, a batch of projects under construction, a batch of production and a batch of reserves, in order to create a “Xunmeng Mushroom” Township, Healthy Qingyuan” provides project support.

25. Optimize the development environment. Deepen the construction of skill-based towns, effectively transform government functions, simplify approval procedures, improve administrative efficiency, ensure the implementation of prohibitions and smooth implementation of government orders, and promote the smooth implementation of the strategic plan of “Looking for Dream Mushrooms, Maintaining Health and Qingyuan”. We have issued policies and opinions to promote the construction of “Xunmenggu Township, Healthy Qingyuan”, attach great importance to talent training and introduction, and strengthen the guarantee of funds, land and other factors. Strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations and consolidate the grassroots battle fortress in rural areas. Deepen the party’s mass line education and practice activities, effectively improve work style, deepen the construction of cadres’ execution ability, and promote the style of hard work, so as to provide an efficient and high-quality service environment for creating a “Dream-seeking Mushroom Township, Healthy Qingyuan”.

26. Create a good atmosphere. Give full play to the leading role of party members and cadres and the main role of the people, respect public opinion, pool people’s wisdom, stimulate people’s power, mobilize and organize social forces to actively participate in creating “Dream Mushroom Township, Healthy Qingyuan”. Strengthen publicity and typical guidance, deeply publicize the concept, goals and ideas of creating a “Xunmenggu Township, maintain health and celebrate the Yuan Dynasty”, and strive to make the creation of “Xunmenggu Township, maintain a healthy Qingyuan” become the conscious pursuit and practical action of the people of the county , and accelerate the formation of a strong atmosphere of unity from top to bottom, participation of all people, and joint contribution and sharing.

Creating a “Dream Mushroom Township, Maintaining Health and Qingyuan” is a grand systematic project that carries the happiness expectations and beautiful yearnings of the people of the county. It is the dream of the Qingyuan people themselves, and the dream left to foreign guests and friends by the Qingyuan people. The “Chinese Dream” and “Beautiful China” are vividly practiced in Qingyuan. The whole county, especially party organizations at all levels and party members and cadres, must enhance their awareness of mission, development and responsibility, and earnestly shoulder the historical responsibility of creating “Xunmenggu Township, Healthy Qingyuan”, and transform “Xunmenggu Township, Healthy Qingyuan” “Keeping Healthy and Qingyuan” should be implemented as a regional development concept, implemented as a regional development path, shaped as a regional development brand, and realized as a regional development positioning, and explore a broad avenue for the scientific development of mountainous economy that is in line with Qingyuan’s reality and has Qingyuan characteristics. !